After traveling from the East Entrance through the park and visiting the River Valley area, I can understand why a geologist might enjoy visiting this park. I found it quite interesting to see the different rock formations, both large and small.
There were several places that provided grand vistas as we drove through the park. This picture was taken at a very popular place. There were many people taking turns shooting family photos for each other. Everywhere we encountered people in the park it was not unusual to hear several different languages being spoken.
I managed to convince Bev and the kids to hike back into a grove of giant sequoias. The hike turned out to be fairly strenuous as it involved a 400 ft. elevation change. It was worth it, though, as seeing trees that big just can't be described adequately with words or pictures. Notice on this picture that I have my arms spread (7' span) and I'm holding a 5' long stick and the total span doesn't come close to the total diameter of the tree (at least near the base).
The snow melt continues to provide a fair amount of water for the various streams in the park, so we found several nice places along the streams for pictures.
This shot was from the base of Bridal Viel falls. Maybe not quite as impressive as it is during the early season snow melt, but very nice just the same.
As with Yellowstone park, I could easily spend a week here without feeling like there was nothing left to do. I would like to do more hiking to the less-traveled places, but that's just not always possible. We're planning on going back into the park on Monday in hopes of seeing parts of the park that we didn't have time for on Friday. Bev's not really looking forward to the drive to the park, however, as there aren't any nice straight roads that get you there...
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