We've had a great trip! We took our Michigan weather with us wherever we went. We had a total of two days that we considered hot and very little precipitation that affected our plans. We've been in 15 states so far and two more new ones to go before we reach home. We've experienced everything from snow to 95+ degree heat, altitudes from sea level to 10,000+ feet, visited more than 10 national parks and even got to see a big city or two. We got to meet people from all over the world and even met a few people from within 20 miles of where we live. In all that time we never even got on each others' nerves! (If you believe that, I've got a nice bridge I'll sell you...)
I've got close to 9000 pictures saved to the computer, so hopefully I'll have something to remember this trip by in years to come. My wife thinks I'm crazy, but it will give me something to do in my old age. "Where were we when we took this one???" heheheheh
Time to hit the sack - big travel day tomorrow!
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