Thursday, June 11, 2009

Yellowstone pictures from Monday

I posted some info about what we did on Monday, but didn't have a lot of pictures. Monday and Tuesday were spent in Yellowstone park and I didn't have a lot of time to prep pictures and such. Wednesday was spent driving from Jackson WY to Reno NV and I had lots of time to organize pictures while we drove.

Here's some pics from Monday:
- The ride into the park was a bit different without snow.

Once we got in the park we still had to go through a pass that had a bunch of snow left.

We stopped at Fishing Bridge and looked around. It was cold enough that we had our warm weather gear on.

A stop by one of Yellowstones thermal areas was interesting in more ways than one. Not only did we get to see some unique thermal mud pots, but we had to contend with Bison blocking the trail.

Putting up with a bit of cold weather was worth it to see sights like this:

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